Title: Insatiable Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol, BaekHyun/Lay, D.O/MinWoo (100%), kind of onesided!D.O/Luhan (so far) Rating: PG Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable.
Title: Insatiable Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol, BaekHyun/Lay, D.O/MinWoo (100%), kind of onesided!D.O/Luhan (so far) Rating: NC-17 Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable.
Title: Insatiable Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol, BaekHyun/Lay (so far) Rating: PG-13 Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable.
Title: Insatiable Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol Rating: NC-17 Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable. ( Let's meet the band )
Title: Unexpected Friendliness Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol Rating: PG-17 Word Count: 10.074 Warning(s): Mentions drug dealing. A/N: Meant for this to be a short pwp. It ended up getting longer and longer and then bam no porn.
Staying Right Here | theblobmaster | PG | friendship!kaiyeol | hurt/comfort | 1.343 w
written for this prompt at exopromptmeme. i'm so sorry for the delay of this. also i know it's probably nothing like what you wanted. and inspired from the radio interview where baekhyun called kai out for his 'coldness'
Title: A Lifetime Together (previously: Thirty Scenes In JongIn’s Life with ChanYeol) Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol, EXO/OC, minor!Kai/Krystal & Kai/TaeMin Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 15.713 Warning(s): One sex scene and several mentions of it. Character Death. A/N: Written for SNCJ Big Bang, art is by yoosujaehomin.
Title: Insatiable Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol Rating: NC-17 Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable.